This Blog was last updated...
17th January 2025

Welcome to NABPromotions News Update Blog.

Keep reading down this page for my latest news...

If you need to contact me about anything, Click HERE to open a support ticket.

This blog is for news about my network of sites and my other ramblings... Add Blog Posts, Get Visitors To Your Blog Posts. Get visitors to your sites from my surf areas and MEGA rotator. Get targeted visitors via banner and text ads. Help save humans, learn how to get more CureCoin. Get paid up to $500 per survey, make money from your referrals and your referrals referrals. Want to know what I HIGHLY Recommend. Read my reviews of highly recommended sites.

Get My Latest News In Your Email...

My name is Neil Bennett, I own several advertising related sites. I no longer send emails from my sites as it leads to members deleting, unsubscribing and other issues. So, I am now instead running this list.


If you subscribe to this list, you will receive periodic emails about updates to my sites when I have VIP news, rarely I may email about sites that I highly recommend that will help you in your online journey.


As a reward for joining my list, when I send an email with my news, included will be a way to get some extra rewards from my sites, whether it be credits or other giveaways. Subscribe today and get some extra freebies in your email along with my VIP news...

Post added 17th January 2025

Changes Update...

WOW, I finally have my own blog, on its own Hosted Domain. Its only taken me well over 10 years to be really happy with the outcome.

Over the years I have spent a small fortune on different scripts and blog systems, but could never find one that I was happy with. Which is why I built MyBlogSystem, which then grew to be more for the members than actually myself, lol

Finally, my news blog has its own domain, managed by the MyBlogSystem site.


Post added 16th January 2025

Changes Update...

I have just finished adding the following extra features to MyBlogSystem

New service - Hosted Domain Blogs & Network...

Members can now purchase Hosted Domain Name Blogs.

To see the first which has been completed and is now live, look at page...

The Hosted Domain Blogs also create there own network, take a look at the Hosted Domain Blog page in the members area for full information.

Reviews - Members can now leave reviews on Hosted Domain Blogs and get rewarded with 100 credits when they submit a review about the Hosted Domain Blog.

Post added 4th January 2025

Changes Update...

Over the past year, several members have asked about being able to purchase Activity Points at My Hits 2 U instead of having to surf to find them. I have been reluctant to do so as members surfing keeps the traffic flowing. Anyway, I have finally come to a compromise...

ALL members can now convert Credits to Activity Points or Activity Points to Credits.

Many members, since I added the Activity Points system have told me they have got signups to sites that display on the Activity Leaderboard  page as they show in referral tracking...

The Leaderboard page displays randomly in My Hits 2 U surf area, it also shows externally in other networks through the mega rotator, so...

Being top of the Activity Leaderboard page and having YOUR Highly Recommended site matters, being at the top rules. Where can you place in the rankings to get more exposure to what you are promoting ? 

Check the current ranking Click HERE

Post added 5th December 2024

Changes Update...

I have finished sorting the mess out at freecurecoin, over 40 hrs of time in the last few days, checking and triple checking the anti cheat system before I let it run and delete the multi accts and those associated with creating them. Payouts to the verified winners started yesterday. I have also taken the decision to shut the site down. The site will completely close shortly after the 12th December. If you have any outstanding balance at it. Login and then contact me.

Over the next few days I will start doing checks at the contests at MBS and Myhits2u. I will post an update in the next few days when I have completed all the anti cheat checks.

Post added 1st December 2024

Changes Update...

Unfortunately some members have been cheating the contests. The system has been tracking the multi account signups, and lots of accounts have been marked as cheat multi accounts. I have been watching it happen for the last cpl of weeks but been waiting for the contests to end so I can then take action.

Over the next few days, I will be running the anti cheat systems and then manually going through the data of all the accounts which have been flagged by the system. I will then approve the anti cheat script to delete accounts that I have verified as cheating / creating multiple accounts in order to commit fraud and cheat. 

I will post another update in a few days time once I have verified all of the contests, Payouts will then commence. Please bear with me until then.

Post added 30th October 2024

Changes Update...

Finally, 3rd batch of antibiotics now working, getting back on track.

Its been a while since I hit all the mailers I am a member of, so, whilst I get back on track and working on sites, going to hit the hundreds of mailers I am a member of and get some advertising back out there.

Then, in a few days time, will get back into coding and working on sites.

Onwards and upwards, thanks for your support.

Post added 30th September 2024

Changes Update...


I cannot believe its been 10 days since last update...

Had a few days with some bug sickness, and since been hitting brain fart fogs when it comes to coding, one of the things about coding constantly, 16 to 18 hours a day, is that eventually it starts to all look like mush and none of it seems to make any sense and its time to take a few days break or else it will all be broken. Mushy peas make more sense than mushy coding !!

Getting back on track though now and things will start progressing again. I will update again probably 2moro, when got rest of some coding been working on all completed. I can then get onto the next features.

Anyway, with now hundreds of blog posts in the system with credits assigned, I have started a surfing competition at MBS, more info in the members area...

I have also started a surfing competition at My Hits 2 U. More info in the members area at...

Good luck if you enter the competitions.

Until next time...

More updates coming soon, watch this space.

Thanks for your support.

Post added 20th September 2024

Changes Update...


In preparation...

In order to add some new features to the site, I have started on the first stages...

Add Testimonials...

All members can now add a testimonial about MBS.

You can add a testimonial from members menu, account, add testimonial.

Testimonials will be displayed on the testimonials page which is linked in the menu on the main site pages.

Random testimonials now also display on the main site index page.

Testimonials include links to a members profile page.

Profile Pages...

I have added into members menu, manage blog, your profile link...

Your Profile Link

Once I have changed all the show blogs / show posts pages and listing areas over the coming hours, your images and names will link to your profile.

Once I have all the pages changed, it now means that anyone can view all of your blogs and posts listed on the one page.

Or, you can now promote your profile page and promote all your blogs and posts from the one area.

Profile pages are now live and up and running.

More updates coming soon. Watch this space...

Thanks for your support.

Post added 8th September 2024

Changes Update...


I have spent the last few days adding new features so that multiple Blogs can be created within an account...

Extra Blogs...

Members can now add extra blogs to their account.

Separate Blogs for separate things.

So, you can use your main account Blog, for things that you like.

You can have another Blog for any other interest, subject, niche and be able to separate the posts that display on each blog.

If you create a new blog, it will NOT show on the extra blogs stats page until you have added at least 1 post into the new Blog !

Menu Changed...

With addition of adding multiple Blogs to an account, I have changed the sites menu. All features for Blogs and Posts can be managed from the Blog Manage page.

How many posts per Blog...

On the Blog Manage page it now displays how many posts have been added to a particular Blog.

If you have added an additional Blog but not added any posts into the Blog, a warning will show that you have no posts within a Blog.

Blog Headers...

Members can now add headers to Blogs.

Think of the header as a pinned area at the top of your blog. You can use it as a bio to introduce yourself, add social media or contact you details. Or use it if you have anything important to say at the top of your blog such as a new site launch.

Site News...

News now shows on login, once only after first login and will show again when new news has been added.

More updates coming soon. Watch this space...

Thanks for your support.

Post added 17th September 2024

Changes Update...


Posts added grouped by editor...

Late last night I finished changes so that posts are now grouped by which editor was used.

So, if you add a post using the html editor, they show in the html editor group on the manage posts page.

This has been added as the editors work independently and code gets stripped out if edited in Basic editor but was created using the HTML editor.

Headers / Footers...

I have updated the Header / Footer sections so that HTML snippets can be added to headers / footers.

This now works great if you run your own newsletter as you can now add your signup forms as a header / footer to your blogs.

Or, you could add google adsense, LL PPC codes and monetize your blogs.

Or, you could add a banner rotator and earn credits from other networks every time someone views your blog.

Take a look at the top of my Blog, it now has my newsletter list signup form above all my posts and some PPC ads. I think it looks pretty cool... If you are reading this news as a post, click below and it will open my full news Blog.

More updates coming soon. Watch this space...

Thanks for your support.

Post added 5th September 2024

Changes Update...


Private Messages

Members can now message other members, if you have an unread message from another member, it will show at the top of all the members area pages.

All Blogs and posts now have a new section at the bottom so that other members can contact you if they have any comments or questions about your post.

Sell / Buy Posts Gigs

For the last few days I have been making changes to the system in order to add a new feature...

Its now live and all up and running...

Would you like to buy or sell blog posts or visitors to blog posts ?

Take a look at the buy and sell blog posts pages in the members menu.

The system will work through the private messages system for other members of MBS, or externally at other gig sites.

Full details on how the buy / sell posts or visitors is going to work on the relevant pages in the members area.

All Blogs and posts now have a new section at the bottom so that other members can contact you.

Site Stats

Added some site stats above search area on site, it displays how many blogs have been created, how many blog posts have been created, and how many visitors have viewed blogs and blog posts.


If I suspend a post, the managed blog posts list now displays the reason why the post was SUSPENDED, use the edit post function, fix the issue, and on my next admin run it will be approved.

More updates coming soon. Watch this space...

Thanks for your support.

Post added 16th September 2024

Changes Update...


New HTML editor added...

For days, I have been working on a html editor, it went live on the site late last night.

Html snippets can now be added to blog posts.

Google adsense, LL PPC codes...

Banner exchanges codes...

Lead capture forms...

Can now all be added to blog posts.

Members can switch between posting using the Basic or Html editors.

If you submit a post using the basic editor, it must only be edited using the basic editor, and the same for html editor, or else things will get stripped out of the post.

I am working on a fix for this and will hopefully get it up and running today.

I will also add in so that the html editor can be used on blog headers / footers so that lead capture forms can be added to them. Maybe also today...

Will announce when the above changes have been done.

More updates coming soon. Watch this space...

Thanks for your support.

Post added 2nd September 2024

Changes Update...


I forgot to update news yesterday, got tired after submitting the post rotator to mailers and making changes on the site, so this is newest update...

Signup Rate...

I have had some questions to why signup rate is low, the site is not a signup, get 1000 credits, assign credits and never go back type of site.

Posting a blog post requires the member to do something and interact with the site, and well, unfortunately some cannot.

There is also, apparently, nothing to collect but those who see beyond the end of their nose realise that a good targetted post will bring traffic and along with that, usually sign-ups too. The rewards will be ongoing and, of course, patience is required, unfortunately something that is not trendy in these fast-moving times.

Please bear with me whilst I get some new features planned for the site which should make it even better.

Credits added to accounts...

As my blog post rotator is now being promoted in more places, credits on posts have been decreasing. I hope you are getting responses from your posts and signups if you are promoting something in your posts.

Anyway... Earlier I put 10000 credits into all members accounts, please assign them to your posts.

If credits do not start getting assigned, I will be forced to be selective on which accounts get some more freebies.

Added Key...

I have added a key on the add post page explaining what each button does in the post add editor.

Use them, Be Unique, Be Different, Get Attention.

More updates coming soon. Watch this space...

Thanks for your support.

Post added 31st August 2024

Changes Update...


Had some members not able to use the editor to add posts or edit current posts.

I have spent all day today switching over to another editor and adding more functions.

As far as I am aware, from myself testing and a cpl of other members, its all up and running.

I will carry on with new features from 2moro and update as needed.

Thanks for your support.

Post added 30th August 2024

Changes Update...


Added Approved by admin system...

Unfortunately due to abuse, I have built and activated an approved by admin system, I did not expect to be putting it live so soon but unfortunately got hit by porn getting posted. From now, blog posts will no longer show in search, listing pages, surf or rotators until they have been admin approved. I do admin runs multiple times a day, at worst, it will be several hours max before a post is marked as admin approved.

Your posts will still instantly show on your blog and on the posts page. However, if you break my terms, it could still get removed, so do not add content that should not be added and you will be fine.

Added New Stats...

Added new stat at bottom of Blogs which displays Visitor counter for the blog + all posts visitor counters combined.

Added Suggest Add Content...

Added line to suggest adding content to blog posts so the post can be found in search engines. No content and only the name will be searchable.

More updates planned for coming days / weeks. Will update here as needed.

Post added 29th August 2024

Changes Update...


Selling of Blog posts...

It has been brought to my attention that blog posts could be sold by the members as a side gig, so, I am currently working on it...

Will hopefully have things in order and more info on how it can work 2moro, more info on this asap.

Login Spotlight Added...

As you may have already seen, late last night I finished and added login spotlight system to the site which randomly shows an upgraded members blog post on login and rewards the member with 10 credits for viewing it.

Blog Post Rotator...

I have finished building and got the rotators up and running ready to receive visitors...

Its weighted, Upgraded members get a bigger percent of the visitors.

Click to view a random blog post, it will open in a new tab.

I have started to promote the rotator on a limited basis until more blogs get added to the system with credits assigned.

If you have credits in your account, please assign them to your blog posts.

More updates planned for coming days / weeks. Will update here as needed.

Post added 19th December 2024

Changes Update...

Finally finished on all my checks. What a waste of over 2 weeks. I can now get back onto promoting of sites and working on them.

Post added 28th August 2024

Changes Update...


I added 1000 credits earlier to ALL members accounts, please assign them to blog posts. I will not be putting the external blog post rotator live until more posts are added and they have at least 200,000 credits assigned in the system, once the rotator goes live, they will trickle down fast. More like a gush !

In preparation for adding of new features in the future, I have added and made the following changes...

Added visitor counter at bottom of all Blogs, it is the total visitors that have visited your blog from any source.

Added visitor counter at bottom of all blog posts, it is the total visitors that have visited your blog from any source.

The counters will only display stats since I added them today. They do not include previous data.

Added new blog / blog posts stats link in menu, it displays visitors received to your blog, visitors received to each post sent by MyBlogSystem surf area / rotator, visitors received total from ALL sources.

As I only added in the counters earlier today, for members who joined in last cpl of days, before I added the counters, there will be a discrepancy between visitors sent by myblogsystem and visitors total. It will all function and track properly when you add new posts. If you wish for me to reset the data for a particular post, message me, but, all rankings for the post will be lost.

Added extra stats pages which show, latest 100, top Blogs by visitors, top Posts by visitors and moved into members menu and menu of visitors to main outside area. Now, search engine spiders can scan and view blogs and blog pages and maybe even list some of them.

Changed stopped surfing limit page to show with no header / footer explaining why surf has been stopped.

More updates planned for coming days / weeks. Will update here as needed.

Post added 27th August 2024

Changes Update...


Your grav image / names now appear to the left on the top bar at both blog posts and blog pages to put more focus on YOU.

I have set the system so if you add images, top or bottom of your post they now show dynamically and change size to the visitors screen size.

I have some other additions changes to make over the coming days. I will update this news blog when they are done and added.

I done some testing earlier on the external blog post rotator and it used quite a lot of credits from posts, so...

I done some credit dumps into current members accounts, assign them to your posts asap. Once i put the Blog Post rotator live in a several days time, blog posts with credits assigned will be shown in hundreds of traffic sources.

I also added some credits to posts which had ran out of credits, I hope the extra visitors to your posts get you, your brand, and your posts seen.

I will monitor the system and may do some more credit dumps into accounts / assigned to posts if required. So, tell anyone you wish that over the next cpl of weeks, I will be doing credit dumps into accounts as freebies and they should join fast if they want to take advantage and get some extra exposure for free. Send them to your blog so they can see how things look and they can join from the link at the top as well as reading your posts.

Post added 26th August 2024

Welcome to the new home of my sites / network news.

This will now be the home for all of my sites / network news. My other sites will be updated shortly pointing to this new blog.

Finally, after years of spending thousands of dollars on blog software / scripts, that either never worked the way I wanted them to and could not alter them as the script was locked down, or the focus of blog / posts was on the software / script owners rather than me, the blog owner, I have finally built my own...

I have been building MyBlogSystem for months and been dreaming about it for years, and its all finally up and running. Countless lost hours of sleep, Countless hours of coding. Countless headaches and pills taken...

This will now be my home for all of my sites / network news.

To celebrate the launch of MyBlogSystem I have started a referral contest...

$500 is up for grabs in the contest...

$200 top prize...

Whilst some may think that the contest running until the end of November is a long time, someone is going to get the $200 top prize payout, think of it as an xmas present.

I could have set up just smaller monthly contests, but, with the way the world is today, a $200 prize paid out in December is going to be a nice xmas present for the winner.

Can you win some of the $500 up for grabs ?

Take a look in the members area. Click HERE

Happy days, Happy promotions.

Onwards and upwards.

From now, any and all of my site news will be posted to this blog.

Neil Bennett

20 Random Reviews for this blog.
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Thanks for the info. I subscribed to your newsletter and I"m a member of a couple of your sites. I'll have to check out some of your other ones


Very detailed and informed page. U have great skills


The NABPromotions blog is more than just an update hub. It gives a clear overview of various tools and platforms aimed at increasing traffic, income, and engagement. As a user, I’m excited to expand into the other offerings. I’ll update my review once I explore these platforms further. If you’re looking for tools to grow your online presence or generate income, this blog and its associated sites are worth checking out! See you on Top :) Owen


This is good for traffic! O'Ba,


Such a great idea to create a system making it easy for anyone to have a blog.


Since myblogsystem started, i joined . And have being using this form and unique way to promote. A brillant tool to use Factual


Great INFO about what you do. I have copied your links so I Have something to check out When I have time. Regards Tommie


Thank you for all this valuable information


WOW I just love MyBlogSystem - I'm so hooked and thank you for taking the time to start this site. You have made blogging fun again and so easy for everyone - thanks


Well done! Neat, tidy and all the Site Updates in one place. Better late than never!


I will be visiting your other sites in the coming days. Thank you for your blog.

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